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Comment from Super-Map on 15 December 2015 at 09:57

Hi AlaskaDave,

“I used to write in this blog more often but I just don’t seem to have the time anymore. Ridiculous, I know. Those of you still working know how precious personal time is and you might think a retiree has nothing but time on his hands. But between tennis, a relationship, motorcycling and mapping” ****************************************** So you’re a busy persons with nice hobbies! And certainly a “kind person” if you work on this project. I saw your blog, climate change due to human activities is one of our main troubles, personally I know the “aftermath”… We have a huge work in front of us for to improve this world. the first thing we must do it’s to change our “behaviors”, it’s will be the cheaper “gesture”. The climate change and his consequences will have an enormous cost… so we must try to reduce the cost and the “damage” by different ways… we are all concerned, we are all humans and we live all in the same planet nowadays. It’s will not always the case, but like OpenStreetMap project, it’s take a time… the OpenStreetmap project will be “fully” when the human will be able to conquest the space… and we need to pursue this “goal”, the space program despite the COAST, for several reasons. Trees on planet earth are vital functions and not only trees! Take care about our environment, it’s take care about our own health, life, future… We must learn about our “mistakes” and we do all! It’s not always so easy, but the education system is “here” for that! We can learn and improve ourself “alone”, but it’s not the “easy way”… and the education itself can solve all “troubles” and some time it create his opposite. And this “opposite” want to destroy this system, his values, take of the FREEDOM! So, we aren’t in fight only against climate change, but equally in fight against those who doesn’t want to hear anythings!… Yes we have a huge work in front of us and yes it’s will not easy. Your mapping “trees” and other things, good job. We must do the same in the “reality”: “plant trees” and do a lot of things for to improve this world, for the sustainability of the human being, for us, for the “children”.

We must change all together!

(personally I use a simple “meter” for to measure something… unfortunately for me, I haven’t all skills you have…) :-( (and I haven’t GPS, so I’m unlucky?!) ‘-)

Comment from Super-Map on 15 December 2015 at 10:15

That the prove! We do all mistakes, thanks for the link! I presume you have the same spirit?

Comment from AlaskaDave on 16 December 2015 at 00:53

Hi Super-Map

First, thank you for reading and for taking the time to write a comment.

The biggest problem in the U.S. is that many people simply don’t believe climate change is real or that human activities are affecting the climate. The knowledge is out there and most scientists agree on it but what can you do if people just refuse to believe it?

The political system in the U.S. is seriously broken right now and even when it does work, it is the big corporations that set the agenda and run the country. It’s a shame but that’s the truth.

Best, Dave

Comment from Super-Map on 16 December 2015 at 11:22

Hi AlaskaDave,

First, your welcome it was interesting, trees are essential. Now, concerning U.S. a lot of thing are underway but it’s not enough… “many people simply don’t believe climate change is real or that human activities are affecting the climate” It’s not only the case over there… and those who think that are “wrong”! Do you think NASA have a lot of incompetences “engineers” in his rank?… I don’t know you, but with what I saw you have the luck to have more skills than me. “The political system in the U.S. is seriously broken” seriously?… :-O \(\) (some of them try to do the best…) Sure the work his huge for to change toward a better world and prepare the future for the next generation and children. If everybody stay blind in his own corner we must be prepared for more “conflicts”… all you say can be found “everywhere” and all about “troubles” are exactly the same everywhere on this planet. So, it’s a question of humans BEHAVIOURS… We are on the path of the change, but nothing is new and the aftermath are already there… Nothing are “new” that the real problem and if you have the enough financial resources, that not the case for all and it’s worse elsewhere. But you know that perfectly, be cause you have the luck to “travel”… “travel” interesting word, there exist a CO2 mark when we “travel” and not only in this case. We must think differently and review our own “behaviours” if we want to survive… so if many people believe that they aren’t informed correctly. In USA like my own country, we have the right to think until it was “over”…

Have a nice end of week

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