
Pan's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Pan

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3D модели скульптур и зданий

Thanks for your reply and the heads up regarding the statues. I was wondering where the models where coming from.

I am at times also attempting to map things in 3D such as this small church or this former Roman Abbey.

However, the current tagging system is limited.

3D модели скульптур и зданий

Please forgive me for not speaking Russian.

Here we can see how the tags are rendered from the OSM data:,12.45444,45.00,0.00,337.97

I also notice the satues…

I am convinced that we need a better system to map complex buildings. The current tags are only OK for “simple buildings”.

Anyway, well done for the Cathedral!

Attempting 3D

Thank you very much. I have tried to correct the tagging in that sense.

Adressage, trop d'la BAL ?

Merci pour ce post et bien du courage à la communauté française.

Les adresses sont en effet un aspect d’openstreetmap qui décourage certains utilisateurs lorsqu’ils ne trouvent pas le numréro de rue où ils souhaitent se rendre. En Suisse, nous importons depuis plusieurs années maintenant des adresses, mais cela doit se faire manuellement et en y appliquant un peu d’intelligence pour corriger les erreurs.

Direct editable tags in osm

Very good idea! I hope it will be implemented.


Bienvenue! OSM est un excellent projet.

Un autre militaire.

Openstreetmap? More like Openwoodmap on low zoom levels

I really like the fact that OSM shows the landuse.

Valorisation des horaires d’ouverture et d’happy hours sur #OpenBeerMap

Merci pour cette super carte et application. Serait-il possible de voir également apparaître les restaurants qui ne font pas que bars?

Photon ... a new geocoder for OSM data

I am very much impressed! This search engine is excellent.

Making OSM data mor compact

For landuses next to each other, we should use relations in my opinion.

A rainy (snowy) Easter weekend project

Very good initiative! Relation support in Vespucci is an important feature. Thanks.

Progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Congratulation for all this. I contributed a little bit during the summer 2012 and used the BiH OSM map to travel with OSMAND. It was very helpful.

Découverte d'OpenStreetMap

Bienvenue à bords! C’est vraiment un très bon projet. Assez addictif aussi. Contributeur régulier depuis plusieurs années, je viens d’utiliser OSM pour l’aider à naviguer à travers la Bosnie, le Monténégro et le nord de l’Albanie : c’était juste parfait.

Bienvenue encore!

How to deal with dirt roads?

Here in DRC, even most of the primary roads are dirt tracks. it is difficult to know how to tag them.

Swimming pools

I am very much in favor of amenity=winery.

Davos and surroundings

Thank you very much. Do you have any idea when they will update this part of western Europe with the new Bing global ortho tiles?

Davos and surroundings

It won't be necessary. Make search for "bing global ortho project". It is only a matter of time before the entire western Europe gets this excellent resolution. Thanks for your answer.

Davos and surroundings

When where the Bing image update in Davis area? I am from Wallis and would be very happy with precise images.

mapping house numbers

Yes. I think it is very important to add the house numbers. Otherwise OSM will never be able to compete with the commercial maps for those looking for a precise building.

I added most of the house numbers of my village to OSM. Have a look here :

We should all try to upload the housenumbers whenever possible.

First entry

Welcome and happy mapping!