
Public GPS Traces from SpeedEvil

by SpeedEvil in glenrothes, kirkcaldy, star

28 Jan

by SpeedEvil in glenrothes, kirkcaldy, star


  • 4_jan
  • 18980 points

by SpeedEvil in glenrothes, markinch, kirkaldy

driving round kirkcaldy and star

by SpeedEvil

Trip randomly around kirkcaldy and environs

by SpeedEvil in kirkcaldy, star, glenrothes

First tracks from n900 GPS - random journey round kirkcaldy

by SpeedEvil in Star, Kirkcaldy

A trip from star to kirckaldy, wandering around some residential streets around the kirkcaldy car driving test centre.

by SpeedEvil in Fife, broxburn, winchburgh, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

BT GPS track to broxburn from star

by SpeedEvil in Fife, broxburn, winchburgh, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

neo1973 track to broxburn from star

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

neo1973 tracks around glenrothes _bad_ cornering

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

neo1973 tracks around glenrothes _bad_ cornering

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

neo1973 tracks around glenrothes _bad_ cornering

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in UK, Scotland, Star, Glenrothes, Fife

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes

by SpeedEvil in Fife, Glenrothes, Star, Scotland, UK

navigps3100 gps tracks around glenrothes