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The rewrite of template relation is done. Almost all pages are changed. The template is currently the 47th most transcluded page with more than 5200 wiki pages using it.

Reflections on the work done

  • Writing on the template page to call the module (new Lua code for the template) was more of a struggle than I thought.
  • Parsing of longer pages is possible now (even though that was simplified as the parsing limits were increased while I was working on the template) (reference page
  • While working I figured out that this template has more functionalities. So, I eventually also included translations. That was not planned at the beginning.
  • Few users spoke up when I asked them for reviews. However, this was still helpful.
  • With all waiting for speak-up and coding, it took me 27 days to perform this change (on some days I did not work on it of course). I will speed up in future actions.

Work to do

  • Changing templates “area”, “way”, and “node”. You are again invited to suggest things and review my work. The basic goal is to align them to “relation” by using a common appearance and to increase usability on long pages.
  • Change the dropped features to a fixed wiki text: There used to be the option to use the template, without passing an ID to the template. This used to result in the template showing the text: “relation not defined yet”. The new template does not offer this ability. In order keep the old pages, I would like to edit the relevant wiki pages in a semi-automated process. I will request this separately (automated edits code of conduct) ideally after changing the other templates as well (for which I also plan to drop this functionality).

If you want to get a first glimpse of my plans, please refer to current documentation of the relation template. I am basically planning to do the same things on the other templates as well.


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