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The best journeys answer questions that at the beginning you didn’t even think to ask - Yvon Chouinard

For the next two weeks, I’m going to be posting (short) diaries about some design thinking that hot_tech is going to be undertaking to kic-off 2021. After such a bumper year and the welcoming of some fantastic new members, we thought now would be the perfect time to get to know you and what you need from us. To do this, we will be undertaking a series of two week sprints, that are a combination of a rapid assessment & design sprints.

So what are RaDs?

The goal of RaDs is to better understand what people need (or don’t need) from the OSM and [humanitarian]OSM - [h]OSM - universe. We want to know why people come to [h]OSM and what matters most to them when they are here. Most importantly, we just want to get to know more about groups of OSM users to learn more about your common goals, interests, values and purposes. We want to know what makes you feel whole and included.

If you don’t know what a Rapid assessment or a Design sprint is, great! Follow along for the next two weeks and each day I’m going post an overview of what the day will entail once the sprints are underway.

If you’re still not hooked, here’s a quick visual to give you an idea of what we will be doing.


RaDs work best through participation and contribution, so if you want to discuss problems or pains (OSM or otherwise :) ) and possibly shape the future of hot_tech, just complete this form.

We aren’t just seeking solutions, we’re pursuing problems.

If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes solving it - Albert Einstein

Location: Chez Gargairon, La Muraz, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, Upper Savoy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Metropolitan France, 74560, France


Comment from Heather Leson on 21 December 2020 at 18:17

This is great, Bo. Thanks for sharing

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