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Public GPS Traces from brightj

by brightj in osmand, climbing, driving

climbing West end of Peterskill

by brightj in osmand

saltbox trail to Dave's wall

by brightj in osmand, climbing, driving

powerlinez climbing

by brightj in osmand, walking, driving, cemetery

Saint Johnland Cemetery

by brightj in osmand, hike

South mountain reservation

by brightj in osmand

trails along big brook NJ for fossil hunting

by brightj in streetcomplete

Road to library via StreetComplete 53.2

by brightj in streetcomplete

Road to castaways via StreetComplete 53.2

by brightj in streetcomplete

Parking lot here via StreetComplete 53.2

by brightj in hiking, climbing

Gull Pond Cliff approach up talus

by brightj in climbing, hiking, driving

Huntington NY to climbing in Trapps

by brightj in driving, hiking, climbing

Wrong timestamps, actually 2023-05-21 Long Island → Panera → Powerlinez (CUP, Dave's Wall) → Jade Bistro → Long Island

by brightj in driving, hiking, climbing

Long Island → Panera → Powerlinez (CUP, Dave's Wall) → Jade Bistro

by brightj in driving

Suffern, NY to Long Island

by brightj in osmand, climbing

Top of Three Pines climb

by brightj in osmand, driving, hiking

Driving away from Peterskill

by brightj in osmand, climbing, hiking

Drive In crag at Peterskill and approach to top

by brightj in driving, climbing, hiking

Climbing at Powerlinez, driving to Mount Fuji restaurant

by brightj in driving, climbing, hiking

Climbing at Powerlinez, driving to Mount Fuji restaurant

by brightj in cemetery, walking
