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Cwts++ indescribable journey :')

Posted by dionco_je on 24 October 2018 in English.

Indescribable, this is how will I express my whole journey as a mapper and also as a member of Cwts++ program. At the very beginning, I tend to ask myself how did I get into this? Was I deserving? Was I able to prove that I need to be in this kind of program? Many questions going on around my head. But the real thing here is, I’ve enjoyed being in it. My journey made me realized that I should care about other people, about the environment, and especially about my neighborhood. This, helped me a lot to improve the place I’m living in. Actually, it’s not easy to map a place like my neighborhood because it’s quite wide. But thinking you’re on an adventure when mapping, it became more exciting. Thus, taking this opportunity to map helped me a lot and my neighborhood. I was able to add house numbers (though not all because the houses in our subdivision are not yet all occupied), street names, and especially houses’ information. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Erwin Olario, the one who made all of these possible, for giving me an opportunity to become a responsible and helping citizen.


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