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Public GPS Traces from emillspaw

by emillspaw in osmand

local trail connects Buffalo Ridge-Ponds Condos to Upper Salt Lick Trail

by emillspaw in osmand


by emillspaw in osmand

Follows Ryan Creek from Buffalo Ridge-Ponds to Upper Salt Lick Trail

by emillspaw in osmand

connects Lower Salt Lick Trail and Sunrise Trail

by emillspaw in osmand

Connects Upper Salt Lick Trail (#9074) to So-uv Trail (#9010)

by emillspaw in osmand

Follows Ryan Creek down to Salt Lick Creek

by emillspaw in osmand

Connects Upper Salt Lick (#9074) and Nah-oon-Kara (#9006) trails

by emillspaw in osmand

maintained MTB and hiking trail. Intersects with extensive MTB trails in Salt Lick Gulch