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Comment from daveemtb on 3 November 2009 at 09:09

In my experience PGS is quite inaccurate and often misses small islands and islands where the contrast isn't very high. It can also get confused with marshlands. Alternatively, someone may have deleted them accidentally. (or worse...)

It's great that you can map these islands :) On Osmarender it looks as though there could be a problem with the direction of the coastline, though I guess you may have already fixed this.

Have you seen the coastline error checker? Check out

Comment from katpatuka on 3 November 2009 at 09:53

Thanks. I know the coastline error checker well - I had to consult it 'cause a am so used to trace lakes (lake on left side) that I started to draw the islands in the same direction before noticing the wrong direction (josm's validator should mark that as 'error' - not as 'other') Checker's last update is from yesterday...

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