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Public GPS Traces from kechan

by kechan in GoMap

27 and 25

by kechan in GoMap

chadron geowalk

by kechan

Moose Count 2024 (it cut off halfway through)

by kechan in GoMap

walking from the high schools traffic lights to walmart in a straight line

by kechan in GoMap

geocaching in cheyenne on foot

by kechan in GoMap

walking trotty until i get in the car to go back home

by kechan

a backpacking trip

by kechan in GoMap

Thriller Drill for Sax Two

by kechan in GoMap

lander geowalk

by kechan in GoMap

the parade

by kechan in GoMap

our marching band's practice for tomorrow's parade

by kechan

we went directly up a hill to find geocaches on my birthday

by kechan in GoMap

portion of our capitol hill walk

by kechan in GoMap

sotmus23 to rite aid, forgot i had locator running, then off to our hotel

by kechan in GoMap

WY 270

by kechan in GoMap

703 to wendys

by kechan in GoMap

same unnamed trail

by kechan in GoMap

unnamed trail

by kechan in GoMap

summit loop with a cache find and break

by kechan in GoMap

i25 to home depot