
petzlux's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by petzlux

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My work has gone down the tubes!!

Apart from the need to contact the user, here is more information as how to revert back stuff:

I offer my traces, not my GPS

Dont be so paranoid about your GPS getting stolen, it is infinitely more likely that a random person will walk past your car and try their luck than some highly intelligent crook here looking up people's GPS traces to extrapolate where they live and setup a sting operation to get your beloved TomTom :-)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag an meinen Vater

Das grenzt an Spam! 0 Edits, und dann so ein bezugsloser Post hier.

Peckham Mapping Party

Both Cadcorp and Manifold ("professional" GIS packages) allow the usage of Mapnik tiles. I have written also a import script for OSM data to Manifold. So there is recognition of OSM in the professional GIS world!

My Edits for May 17 - 19, 2009

Potlatch doesnt need a save button. All edits are committed to the database as soon as you deselect an added/edited node/way. And C does bring up the Changeset Comments, so thats where you can put your edit comments.

wrong roads

Some comments on signal quality:

Well accuracy depends on multiple factors, including the satellite configuration for a given location and time (this can vary considerably and affect signal quality!).Trimble offers a free software tool that can tell you for your Area of Interest what the best times of the day are for doing surveys!

Have a look here for the download:

Also, the receiver needs the best (most complete and unobstructed) view of the sky possible to acquire multiple satellite fixes.
In the case of a GPS mounted on your handlebar, your body would obscure a significant part of the sky. If you can, a external antenna mounted into your cycling helmet would provide the optimum sky coverage.

Bahnhof Seddin

Ich glaub nicht das es viel bringt hier fuer jede einzelne Strasse einen diary post zu machen. Ist doch schon sehr schlaffoerdernd !

Post doch einfach hier einmal am Tag was du so erreicht hast !


Happy birthday Potlatch

Just a quick note of appreciation, its my primary editor, and really enjoy using it. Keep up the good work.