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Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello ALLstarGUY,

Andy from OpenStreetMap’s Data Working Group here. Quite a lot of people have been asking you questions about your edits - these will have been emailed to you and you can also see them at . You’ve replied to one of those questions (thanks for that) but please do reply to the other questions there.

Also, it would be really helpful if you could use changeset comments that explain the changes that you are making. As an example, on the comment is just “adding/correcting info”. That doesn’t really help other mappers to understand the changes that you are making. See for more information.

I’ve sent you this message as one that you have to read before continuing to edit. You’ll be able to continue as soon as you have read it, but please do reply to the questions that other mappers have asked.

Best Regards,
