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Arlas's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Arlas

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Bye bye, mapping

How can it be that I deleted only 50.000 nodes and he 263.810? I have created 1 876 213 nodes, he “created” 925.404 Mostly deletions over all the city (insane)

Other users of which i don’t remember name, too

So why there is so much unbalance between two mappers? who is doing good and who is doing bad? How can we believe that’s not “bad faith”? This is math.

Bye bye, mapping

Local community stopped mapping because of plenty of time spent with DWG and nothing resolved at all. 3 bans. With other people bans did nothing because they can create other accounts and continue doing this things, masking deletion in big changesets. If I have some time free to map I cannot spend it talking with DWG, reverting work done, working on the same things over and over and giving nothing to OSM at the end.

Bye bye, mapping

He usually does not reply or say that “I should correct this” because he will not do that work. If then I’ll correct mistakes, he will soon or later revert my work. That’s his historical behaviour. How can this be a mistake if he is an expert user? If you see that changeset you will not see any improvement to the map, only deletions.

Bye bye, mapping ??

Bye bye, mapping

You prefer to see deleted housenumbers?

I’m wounded

Bye bye, mapping

You know that we cannot map something using google maps? among other things that photo is dated “Street View - dic 2011” I checked last time there 3 months ago. Now i’m 2000km away.

You cannot dig deeper? You cannot see that this user has already 3 DWG blocks?

You cannot see how many deletion and edit wars hare here? you see only the number of edits of a user? nice. I search one street with no name, check in history and see same story happening again with so many time spent trying to make people understand our frustration. It’s not only me. If something that I ever did is deleted now you will never know, and you will never care.

Bye bye, mapping

How many times Ludovic Druard should put name on the same street? No matter, that will be deleted, sooner or later. Example :

that’s not respectful

Bye bye, mapping

This isn’t the problem. The problem is that everything you put will be deleted without notice. Should I partecipate and check every minute that things aren’t deleted without notice? With masked changeset? Both are right you say; I say that I never delete other people’s work, because I respect it. But that user deleted many times things without having been actually in that place. He (and others) had been blocked by DWG many times. Result: I cannot map, he and others are still doing the same things.

That changeset prove this: i put something real and that’s deleted. Can you see my contribution? No. Can you see who did the deletion? No, changeset is “masked”. Why?

You think that i’m going to put big changeset (hours of work) and see them reverted? I make 1 change and sthink: that’s going to be removed soon, and 15 minutes later….

Both are right? One object can have 2 names.

If you check and delete other people’s work in minutes I think that’s personal, it’s not unintentional

Bye bye, mapping

We had plenty of this cases and reached DWG many times. The only thing that happened was long time wasted and many work wasted with so many reverse edits (now 3 people stopped mapping, me too).

You spend 3 hours working on the map and others spend 1 second reverting everything. That’s so obvious that you can predict them even if you change one name. They check every edit to make sure that nothing changes and delete real time of your life, that’s not a joke.

I’m saying that in some little things (for example bus stops) there can be a lot of work.. I checked every bus stop walking/running on all my city and this took really MANY hours. Other people deleted easily my work and never came in my city. DWG did nothing. People’s work should be respected.

La mappa di Albisola Superiore

ma c’è stato un mapping party? non ne ho avuto notizia :(

10.000 broken Turn_Restriction in the OSM Planet File

you can send them to OSM restriction validator, it would allow other users to help fixing.

Inserimento numeri civici di Firenze

io avrei evitato addr:city e addr:country che si evincono direttamente dai confini, comunque ottimo lavoro ;)

Ad ogni navigatore la sua OSM

:) complimenti :) buon lavoro ;)

Mappa di Gela incompleta

pian piano ci arriverò ;) un pò lontanuccia da CT però!

Numero di corsie

se hanno una sola corsia per senso di marcia è già implicito, quindi superfluo ;) per il resto, buon lavoro ;)

Inizio attività

android? ;)

Mappare il Veneto

anche se imho nel Veneto vi state dedicando un pò troppo agli import e meno al mappaggio manuale, più preciso e sicuro ;) buon lavoro comunque! ;)

cassinetta di lugagnano Italia

complimenti, continua cosi'! ;) piu' siamo e meglio e' ;)

primi passi...

Complimenti! ;)


buon lavoro, osmatore! ;)