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Endres Pelka's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Endres Pelka

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YEHS Hotel Sydney CBD

Nope, you didn’t add anything anywhere. Try again? Do you need help with it?

KGV- Am Wiesenquell e.V.

Ein Kleingartenverein tritt offiziell auf OpenStreetMap auf, was für eine gutes Geschehnis! Was haben Sie vor? Werden Sie alle Parzellen und sich darauf befindende Häuschen und sogar kleine Gewächsäuser eintragen?

iW1Nat4-ChaJ3Di W153E WIE.1e.5hin.3E

Indonesia is not a country, it’s a state of mind

Finding SEO spam in OSM

Businesses that stuff their advertising rubbish-text anywhere they can, even on OpenStreetMap, are not trustworthy in any aspect. Their object on OSM might be misplaced many kilometers, or the business might already be bankrupt or moved somewhere else, long before we notice the dubious edit.

I’d just delete such objects right away (preserving the address or building outline, if it looks plausible). If the business cares, they would respond then. If not, why bother?

Extracting addresses from OpenStreetMaps

Thank you for mentioning Mannheim city centre! It’s always the case whether “addr:street” or “addr:place” is used.

New and Confused

Just start with your house, your street, your neighbourhood… Even if they are already thoroughly mapped, there might still be some minor details or recent updates that you can enter.

A visit to Baarle-Hertog/Nassau

IMHO it’s a silly thing with those “dueling” house numbers… Couldn’t both countries agree on consistent numbering schemes along cross-border streets?

security camera

And I can see you made the edits, very well! They’re already being shown here:

Thank you for your contribution!

security camera

All you did was adding notes. How about doing an edit?

Rejestracja 20230407

I na co to komu?

Mapping inspired by True Crime

Nothing connected to crime, but I did once map this postbox after noticing it in a music video :) The red postbox is clearly visible here from 3:27.

Eintrag als Nachhilfelehrer

Ich sehe dass du dein Unternehmen schon eingetragen hast. Ein paar Kommentare von mir:

  • Mach einen neuen Knoten (innerhalb vom Gebäudekontur), anstatt den allgemeinen Gebäudeeingang (entrance=yes) zu überschreiben!
  • Der Gebäudekontur hat schon die Adresse, die addr:*= Tags sind überflüssig.
  • Die E-Mail-Adresse gehört unter email=, nicht name=.
  • Es empfiehlt sich, phone= mit Landesvorwahl anzugeben (+49 für Deutschland).
  • Werbetext hat in der Beschreibung eines Änderungssatzes nichts zu suchen.
Halishahar beach

Is it something from https://localhost/? :D

Survey discovered gas leak.

Well done. We can spot many defects while surveying for OSM.

Mapping out bus routes in Anchorage

A good advice: don’t do the dual mapping of “stop_position” and “platform”. It quickly get chaotic and difficult to edit when routes change. Just map the platform as a node – the point of interest for the passenger :)

See my old article, from mapping the transit in a smaller town:

Waste Bin location project

Splendid idea, good luck with it!

Ringforts in Ireland, astonishing historical heritage

Yes, these are very interesting land features. Ringforts in Northern Europe, gords in Slavic countries… If you know of some, start mapping them!

I can see you started mapping the ringforts with just those tags: area=yes historic=yes

The more suitable tagging is: historic=archaeological_site site_type=fortification fortification_type=hill_fort

Just like this one :)

Paglat, Maguindanao BARMM, Philippines

You keep making meaningful notes and immediately marking them as “resolved”, without anyone doing any edits. What’s the point?

JOSM: Lasso deaktivieren

Ich benutze Lasso manchmal. Will ich eine Reihe Knoten wählen, die diagonal (z.B. NW nach SE) verläuft, ohne die umgebende Knoten zu wählen, dann ist Lasso meist komfortabel für mich.

Was mich bei JOSM nervt, ist die Funktion „Automatisch nachführen“. Immer wieder schalte ich sie zufällig ein.

Address import in Lithuania

Polish OSM community has this map for the quality assurance of address points:

The yellow stars are for addresses without the associated named street in vicinity. The pink stars are for addresses without any road in vicinity.

Does Lithuanian community have a similar visualisation, apart from the videos above?