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Endres Pelka's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Endres Pelka

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 222554

Błędna nazwa ulicy - powinno być Michała Drzymały

closed 3130784

Strassenname fehlt
"Hauptstuhler Flur"

closed 576158

Enrique Sagarduy

closed 3225128

Tej restauracji nie ma w ogóle od roku2017 a Matyja od 2015

closed 2243606 rybmat


closed 2795012 Pablos

Unable to answer "Is Marktplatz lit here?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

This street is in the middle of the square. There are lights from near places, but they are not strictly in the street.

Attached photo(s):

closed 2794861 Pablos

Unable to answer "Does this bench have a backrest?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

I would say the bench does not have a back. However, it is placed next to the wall.

Attached photo(s):

closed 2795373 Pablos

Unable to answer "Is this still here? (Cigarette Vending Machine)" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

I could not find it

closed 3050131 Endres Pelka

What exactly does this note point to? A taxi stand, or headquarters of your company? Please be more detailed or do an edit yourself, instead of posting advertising.

closed 2359843

In diesem Bereich stimmen die Hausnummern 17, 19, 1 nicht. 15 und 17 müssten zusammen ein Gebäude mit der Hausnummer 15 sein.
Hausnummer 19 müsste 17 sein und Hausnummer 1 müsste 19 sein.

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