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Mapper since:
June 07, 2012
Last map edit:
March 28, 2014

Keen bushwalker so concentrating on tracks and adding geographical features but also learning more aspects of OSM for the urban mapping. Focused the Devonport area of Tasmania, Australia for urban mapping efforts.

Use a Garmin 62s as the main data logger and learning to get the best accuracy from it such as averaging waypoints. I am then using these references to align Bing and then the map items. Added a Garmin Rino 650 to my collection and like it as much easier to use than the 62S. Also use a Garmin Fenix. Nice toy but one failed and I am on my second with both having issues so can not recommend one.

Think OSM is a great project and enthusiastic to learn more. Use the Garmin 62s for bushwalking and found the commercial maps that I brought a very expensive and bad joke for that aspect. Pushing hard for Tasmap to update mapping data and make electronic maps available at a reasonable cost. Appears there will be some movement in September 2012. Now June 2013 and the local mapping authority has walked away from better mapping so more keen than ever to improve OSM.

Starting to work on customised maps designed for bushwalking (hiking) but slow progress as converted from Polatch 2 to JOSM and there are only so many hours in a night!

Happy for people to contact me and make suggestions on improving the mapping process. Also figuring out Garmin map making in order to develop maps with custom zoom levels that emphasis the walking tracks.
