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Jekader's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Jekader

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Introducing OpenStreetView

Very nice start, this already looks much more open than Mapilalry. Hope it gets more open eventually. I’m sure a lot of OSM contributors would be more willing to submit data if anyone could dump the whole dataset and create a copy of the API (i.e. what OSM offers). I understand that it’s technically much harder to organize due to the potential size of the dataset and privacy concerns. Luckily we have technologies at our disposal that can help make this possible!

В базе OpenStreetMap теперь точно есть все трамвайные линии России

Поздравляю! Знаю, как это приятно - дорисовать всё что хотел на 100%!
Надеюсь, этот проект не последний, ещё много есть отсутствующего в OSM транспорта.

Made with OSM: All tram system of Ukraine in whole scale.

Красиво! Удивило качество покрытия трмвайных маршрутов в OSM. Я смотрел к примеру на проработку карты Одессы, и она в довольно плохом состоянии по подробности. При том, что спутниковые снимки Одессы были ещё в подложке Yahoo года два назад.

Я рада вступить в это сообщество

Спасибо тебе, спаммер!

Routing via power lines (EN)

Hey, you should write books! Great story!

New Zoom Zoom Zoom map

looks really cool!

Mapping a Village

Thanks for the "Success Story"! I also print out areas to give them to locals, but unfortunately most of them don't even know street names. And sometimes there really are no streetnames! A normal thing for villages in my country :(

But walking papers are really a great service to use the knowledge of those who can't use the computer for mapping!

Suburban footpaths?

I agree with Vclaw. At least, that's the way I map footways.

But in any case - even if you're drawing every small footway as a separate way on OSM - I don't think it's bad. I'm just too lazy for that :D

Making use of my work's vehicle tracking

That's even better, if OSM maps are used by your company!

About the optimizer - I think you could use some XSLT ruleset to do the job. Or you could ask the guys working on OSM code to implement an optimizer for all the tracks, uploaded to OSM - I think that would be a useful option!

Making use of my work's vehicle tracking

I don't know what problems they can make to OSM - just tell you to delete the tracks in the worst case. But I agree you should tell them about your plans in the fisrt case.

Probably you've already gotten an approval from them. If not - I think it's easy to get. First of all you're helping a free project. Second, you're not uploading confidential data (if you upload the tracks as public - noone will be able to see the timestamps on trackpoints, so it won't be possible to get the speed/route from the track), and third - you can also promote your company, if they'd like that - you can name the bot after the company, or write their name in the bot's description page :)

Oh, and now I've thought of a GPX optimisation variant - to remove the points, where speed is less than, say, 3 km/h - so that when a truck stays without a movement for an hour, we don't get 3600 points with the same coordinates. Don't know how to do this optimisation, but a simple script should be enough, I think.

Making use of my work's vehicle tracking

That's a really great idea!
Yes, a bot account would be reasonable to separate the bulk imports from your personal work. On the other hand, I don't think you should bother simplifying the tracks. NORC donated 30 Gb (!) of tracks, and nobody died so far :)

Wish I had a fleet of trucks to put GPS loggers on :)

Проекция Пирса

Однозначно плод мысли безумного учёного :)


Добро пожаловать! По интересному пути ты пришёл на OSM :D

n900 классный аппарат - тоже надеюсь себе такой взять, но когда он подешевле станет.