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KVLA-HRO-Mei's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by KVLA-HRO-Mei

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AG Fahrrad-Stadtplan Wolfenbüttel

Ich fänd das super, wenn ihr (gerne hinterher) auch den workflow im Wiki dokumentieren könntet. Vielleicht wäre das auch für Rostock eine sinnvolle Sache :-)

Watching the Map Grow: State of the Map US Presentation

Interesting! Any chances to upgrade the coverage to the rest of the world? My focus is mostly at Europe / Germany :-)

BOUNTY: identify changesets where street names were inserted

Same here, a tool for dealing with new / altered / removed streetnames would be pretty useful for QA :)

OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0

Thanks for maintaining the mapstyle folks :-)

Simulate traffic using OpenStreetMap-data and SUMO- Simulation for Urban MObility.

@jinalfoflia Thanks for the answer. I’m not sure, but if I remember correctly, than eWorld is able to synthesize such polygons automaticaly. Also they feature to add e.g. weather anomalies etc. But to be honest, I have no idea about the realism of such enriched simulations ;-)