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Nordpfeil's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Nordpfeil

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What I did in OpenStreetMap in February 2022

Thank You for Your reply.

In weeklyOSM we use the following links for automatic translations (Google is as we know the only free of charge option for our readers) to our 12 different languages wherever possible.

For example this is the link to read your blog in the German “Wochennotiz”:

When I use this link I get an error message in all my browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Chromium).

Best regards Peter

What I did in OpenStreetMap in February 2022

Hallo Amanda, leider lassen sich Deine Beiträge für das weeklyOSM nicht automatisch in andere Sprachen übersetzen. Ob das an Deinem Usernamen liegt?

What I did in OpenStreetMap in December 2021

Wäre eine nette Geschenkidee! Wie heißt denn das “puzzle book with a map page” ?