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Snusmumriken's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Snusmumriken

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public_transport tags don't add any information


You might want to take a look at how bus routes are mapped in Stockholm. Since 2013 they been mapped according to a simplified version of PTv2. The documentation is only in Swedish, I’m afraid, but an example should give an idea:

All lines (1-898) follow this scheme although the coverage is not yet complete. The public transportation authority in Stockholm region also uses OSM in their webpage. And at least one of the three companies that actually drives the buses have been in contact with the community on our mailing list to ask to update a route in OSM as it had changed IRL. I believe they use OSM routes internally.

highway=bus_stop - Mappen für den Renderer

There’s a reason why it’s gone nearly three years since the “approval” of public_transport proposal, without it getting much traction. It is simply flawed and way too complicated.

Video interview with me about OSM

Anyway to watch this without installing flash?

OpenStreetMap and Google MapMaker in Haiti

Same here.

Getting into it

Doesn't 6600 have a camera and can't you run Location Tagger on it so that the photos get the gps coordinates?