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Stalfur's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Stalfur

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You thought OpenStreetMap data uses the WGS84 datum? No it doesn't!

Iceland is moving west, east and south - parts of it going each way.

Problems with level

Someone asked “what is level 0 to you” and that is quite simple really. Level 0

Personally I’ve never discussed level 0 buildings, when I map if I’m asked how many levels a building is I count from 1 because I’m not counting items in a programmable array where we start with 0. If you answer “It is 3 plus ground floor” then do you put 3 or 4? Do you do addition or do you IMPLY the addition and everyone should know it?

Problems with level

@SimonPoole They might, and does that make them right?

Problems with level

As a European the ground floor is the first floor….

The OSM website now has a context menu (right-click menu)!

Excellent work. Now how do I mark a particular tile dirty? Before I could do Open image in a new tab and mark it…

Global Validation Procedure

I will keep this area in mind as I write the re-importer. Will keep you posted once I have something more to show.

Global Validation Procedure

A previous PyBossa imagery effort was the inspiration for my imagery evaluator, they are complementary I believe.

Names or nodes that are removed are planned to be archived in some way. Many nodes need fixing, names corrected or added, geographical location fixed (many imports miss the villages by 100s of meters) and such.

Can you give me some examples of removed village nodes? So far the script has just been run once to gather settlement nodes but the plan is to run it at regular intervals to be up to date on missing/none/partial status - leaving the evaluation of being good to humans as before.

Thanks for the message, commenters don’t get an update when there is a reply, only the blog author.

Knowledge on Open Street Map

Hello Lyndon.

If you are interested in working on Bohol then this page gives you an overview of each settlement status there.

You can also evaluate the imagery for each spot, clicking the top right red box there, (log in as osm user) so you can find places with no clouds.

Global Validation Procedure

Data Quality and overview is something that I’ve been trying to get a better handle on.

For example this is an automated evaluation of the status of Mbomou region

My bots query Overpass for settlements (city/town/village/hamlet) and assign them to regions by using Nominatim. Then overpass is used to see if a road reaches it (track doesn’t count at moment), if there are residential streets, buildings, amenities (church, school etc) and so on. The bots will only mark green for road network, for other values they mark yellow (partial) or red (none). It is up to humans to upgrade evaluation to green, for example if all buildings are on the map.

For example Bakouma has been evaluted as being linked to road network, but with no streets or buildings but an amenity. Looking at the Bing and Mapbox previews it is easy to see why there are no streets, so I logged in as OSM user and updated its Imagery status to red.

In the Mbomou list there is a link to the right that allows you to evaluate the imagery for the region, using 1 2 and 3 as shortcuts for the quality of imagery.

For more mature examples check out Höfuðborgarsvæðið or Norðurland eystra in Iceland, where the quality difference due to lack of imagery and or data is evident. A more African example comes from Kgalagadi in Botswana.

This is a beta tool but I have high hopes for it and any input is appreciated. This could be useful not just to give automated overviews but also for spotting those nameless villages (bottom of list as no name), multiple settlement nodes (imports gone wrong) and lastly as a sort of a task distributor, more on that on the github pages.

Mapping turn lanes in OpensStreetMap

Timely blog, been wondering about this myself, will give it a try.

First Major Edits

Thank you for your contributions.

It is possible that a source you cites is one we can not use in OSM, for example you can not copy from Google Maps into OpenStreetMap, and various other sources that are under copyright are not suitable.

Globalizing the name translation debate

@seav And do what once it is in Wikidata? There is no ready made solution that makes it better for anyone to put it there.

shops as closed-Way building outlines, but also as Nodes in the center?

I’m in the POI camp now myself. It makes it easier to fix if the shop moves or if a second one opens up in the same building. Address on building, node inside building with shopname - inherits the address of building.

If you have 4 shops in the same building then they don’t need address on the POI.

Zimbabwe: Epworth Field Papers are in and ready!

I have automatically categorized data quality for settlements in Zimbabwe,while it might not help much with Harare itself it should assist in finding places in need of some extra mapping. Check it out at Settelements - Zimbabwe

Globalizing the name translation debate

Very good analysis. This is a very strange movement to purge non-regional names, instead of maintaining accurate knowledge we suddenly need to depend on super-smart AI that doesn’t exist yet, all to save a few kilobytes in a database of terabyte.

[2] US County Roads (from residential to track)

From my tool (still in beta phase), Pratt County in Kansas with settlements marked according to data quality.

[2] US County Roads (from residential to track)

You can use MapCraft to make a HOT-similar task manager thing.

Probably your best bet although if you are thinking more on data than location then I’m working on a data quality tool myself, currently its focused on settlements but I’m open to other needs if they can be accomplished.

Sneak Preview of the Next Vespucci Release

Looks very interesting, looking forward to it.

Mileage markers

No map layer that currently publishes it but you can look at the points using Overpass

Top OSM Rank: Who are these crazy, amazing people?

Very nice. Also nice to see the ! at my entry!