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Thomas Jarvis's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Thomas Jarvis

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2430618 NikitaSalt

Can someone clarify if there are some obstacles or an access ban? Our customers report that they couldn't drive through on "Calver Link". Check this road connectivity, please.

open 2841224 Thomas Jarvis

New road and residential development needs survey

open 4139610 Thomas Jarvis

Recent Land Slip
Path needs resurvey here

open 3547016 Borbus

As a dual carriageway at national speed limit, shouldn't the max speed be 70mph?

closed 1287281 daveemtb

New parts of development need mapping.

closed 5147 bjwebb

Strange patch of disconnected bus route for the numbers 8 and 5. (Most visible on transport map)

closed 3968683 Eliiia

While a joke, this bin is often referred to as "The Big Quarry Bin" by some people. Could maybe be put down as an alternative name, although I will leave it up to discussion!

closed 3183544 louiechristie

One way, don’t navigate bicycles up here the wrong way

closed 3991779


closed 3526088 London_Ali

What is this blue line? There isn't anything other than a bus lane here.

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