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dudka's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by dudka

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My thoughts on recent actions of DWG

According to DWG minitues “DWG aims to implement community consensus”. Does anyone see their attempts to find consensus? They’ve just ruined the existing consensus. The previous DWG resolution was accepted by the majority of Ukrainian and Russian mappers and DWG didn’t need to trigger some changes and start edit war.

Andy’s membership in DWG should definetly be reviewed since he is the most agressive among DWG members and using his permissions to block those who have opposite opinion.

OSM любить Mapillary

Чудова інструкція, дякую!

Якось дивно, що поміж Python і різний Open Source проникнув Adobe Lightroom :) В кількох місцях Mapillery треба замінити на Mapillary.

Российско-украинская граница. Авило-Успенка

Вот еще украинский кадастр:,47.69678,16/l/mapbox/o/cadastre