
freyfogle's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by freyfogle

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Mapping Project: Updating the Magdalen Islands

Well done! On the mapping and the write up. Congrats

“The Birdcage is lonely” - @OpenStreetMap engagement on Mastodon/Fediverse is streets ahead of Twitter.

Geomob has had tweets/toots retweeted/boosted by the official OpenStreetMap account on Twitter and Mastodon in recent weeks (Thanks!)

It is not even close, Mastodon has much more engagement. And this is despite the fact that Twitter allows quote tweeting.

Tweets by non-customers (ie non-blue) and without video just no longer get much algorythmic promotion

Mapping Baker St TONIGHT, and other summer events

re: wikimania

I live in the Barbican, and know the area well, though unfortunately won’t be there during the conference. I can recommend the Artillery Arms a few streets away (near Bunhill Fields) as place for an OSM pub meetup

Attributing OpenStreetMap

Hi Alex,

one small suggestion for improvement - I was just checking out the mapbox map on

I think it would be user friendlier to get “Improve this map” in the local language (in this case German).

my €0,02 Ed

SOTM-US Synopsis

Thanks for the summary, very interesting. At last night's OSM anniversary meetup here in the UK we were just asking ourselves what had happened at SOTM-US