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kurisubrooks's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by kurisubrooks

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Regardless of whether you want people to comment on your changes, diary posts or others, OpenStreetMap is a community project. If you are unwilling to engage with the community, you have no place here.


Again, OpenStreetMap is a community project. If you’re unwilling to engage with the community and respond to legitimate comments and concerns placed on your changesets, you have no place here.


You have a right, not a reason…


CloCkWeRX is one of the most active (60,824 edits) and well-established members of the Adelaide OSM community… It’s insane that you think this person is baiting you over a valid comment they left on a changeset…

It’s also only been a few hours since you responded, people have lives (as you have said before). Please remember this.

Given your history with the OSM community, I understand why you may think people are “against you”, but this is this person’s first interaction with you. They’re not in the Discord server or anywhere where they would know you from otherwise.

Please genuinely consider seeking out a behavioural therapist, as your constant attitude towards others is a genuine issue.