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marinad_telenav's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by marinad_telenav

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1174934 florinbadita_telenav

marne road or marina road ? what sis the street name ?

open 1382490 marinad_telenav

Are these roads complete? Any local knowledge would help

closed 1159625 florinbadita_telenav

Daniel or Daniels Drive ? what is the name of the street ?

open 1231046 florinbadita_telenav

What is the name of this street ?

closed 1237370 florinbadita_telenav

Possible typo. Is either 'Coreal Trace Blvd' or 'Coral Trace Blvd' spelled wrong?

open 550211 marinad_telenav

is this road with private acces? or there is any restriction in this area?

closed 508551 marinad_telenav

The website said the road should be done in november 2015. Can someone confirme that?

closed 480267 scout_osm

A user of the OSM-based Scout app reported the following possible map error: "faber street has a permanent barricade and cant be accessed via inglewood ave."

More information is available at:

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closed 164481

The correct name of this street would be "Strada Ion Andreescu". Cheers!

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