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mboeringa's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by mboeringa

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1266528 Mateusz Konieczny

copy of that is offtopic there:

To be honest, I think this is misclassified, even though the Polish name indeed seems to carry "nature" in it (which is unfortunate).

What "nature" is there a possible 1000 meters underground (except the rare bacteria species able to survive at these depths)? This is a geological monument, not a nature reserve, and as such should likely carry a:

protect_class=3 (Natural Monument or Feature: ... protect a specific natural monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and often have high visitor value. Cultural and archaeological important. )

and have the leisure=nature_reserve tag removed.

This is also corroborated by this Wikipedia page linked from the tag list of the feature, that talks about a "Polish database of representative Geosites selected for the European Network" instead of "nature reserves".

I also think that whatever measures are taken to not render it, people will likely re-tag it to something that does render, because people want to see this stuff rendered, and certainly if it is a visitable tourist attraction, although this incentive could be reduced by a adding a node with tourism=attraction tag to already have something on the map.

closed 1044478 ccamara

Arreglar edificis: estan superposats els uns amb els altres i connectats a carrers.

closed 1017737 mboeringa

It seems to me that most of the buildings in the Psykiatrisk Center Ballerup would classify as "amenity=clinic", as likely being treatment clinics, rather than "amenity=hospital". It might be better to only keep the amenity=hospital tag on the outline of the facility's grounds, and re-tag the individual buildings within it to amenity=clinic.

closed 1275551 mboeringa

Is there still a functional power plant here? It appears this site has been abandoned as a power plant, in the imagery available, there no longer appears to be any generator building.
The one building that is drawn in OSM, is no longer there, or is in the wrong location and should be moved to the still visible building in the upper left part of the facility.

open 578724 mboeringa

Are these truly separate cemeteries? If not, it is recommendable to tag them additionally with the 'cemetery=sector' tag:
Except for the outline of the entire cemetery of course, which is not a sector.

open 961583 mboeringa

There are two unnamed overlapping wetland polygons at this location. If either of them is incorrect, it should be removed. If both are correct and represent, they should likely be merged, unless they represent distinct habitats, in which case they should be cookie-cut.

closed 800453 mboeringa

The solar plant on the "Deponie" waste mountain here is listed with a generating capacity of 700000kW, which equates to 700MW, which would be a huge plant. It seems likely this may be a tagging error, and the real capacity 700kW. Can someone local check this?

closed 724700

here is big white area - why? The data are there.

closed 711244 mboeringa

Can someone local or in the area please verify the tourism=theme_park node feature tagged here with the name "Saturday Night Life". There is not even a proper road to access this supposedly "theme_park", just a highway=track passing it, which seems highly unlikely for a theme park. If anything, also considering the name, it might be a night club, in which case it needs urgent re-tagging.

closed 569887 mboeringa

Are there really two protected areas here? It seems the outer version was intended as a kind of buffer zone, as it carries a lower protect_class, however, the area is so small I seriously doubt there is an official government agency established buffer zone here. Also, the borders seem very coarsly drawn, even overlapping parking areas.
Either combine these two into a single protected_area if no officially recognized buffer zone, or create a multipolygon relation and cut out the inner part from the outer if this is official.

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