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nvk's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by nvk

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August 2019 disputed boundaries update

@pangoSE: Thanks for the tip!

August 2019 disputed boundaries update

@pnorman: Sure, that sounds like a good idea to see this on :)

August 2019 disputed boundaries update

@Carnildo: While there is a military feature in OSM for Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (, I include it in the list above because there is no admin boundary or even barrier tagged in OSM between Cuba and United States administration there – and there is a real world, on the ground difference between being on either side of that boundary in terms of the money in circulation, how mail is distributed, the civil administration, and military administration plays out. The same can be said of Diego Garcia NSF and other places, even the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The countries party to these complicated situations aka “claims” generally agree on the ultimate sovereignty, but OSM doesn’t currently reflect the day-to-day administration of these places. Think also of Hong Kong before the lease expired there, and the complicated “1 country, 2 systems” legal arrangement.

Disputed boundary tagging sprint (2019-03)

Hello all, thanks for your feedback and discussion about disputed boundaries tagging in OpenStreetMap!

I’ve posted a new diary entry to update on my OpenStreetMap editing with a working Tilezen vector tile build and Bubble Wrap map style release to visualize the data.

Disputed boundary tagging sprint (2019-03)

Updated table in diary entry to indicate Spratly Is. is also claimed by Vietnam, thanks @seav.

Disputed boundary tagging sprint (2019-03)

@FreedSky: Thanks for pointing that out! Added data to the ways in via

Disputed boundary tagging sprint (2019-03)

Thanks @GinaroZ for your comment on color legibility, good point.

@kucai Since China’s claim over the South China Sea is a maritime dispute I’ll be doing that last, if at all in this sprint ;)

San Francisco data imports, anyone?

Great idea!