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traveleditor's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by traveleditor

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Mapping my Local Area


Tutorial: Creating a MapRoulette Cooperative Challenge to Add Microsoft Builing Footprints to OSM

Will there be an option to add the building directly from the website or is that not possible?

Recent Mapillary fun, and Missions in the United States

How’s it like at Kaart?

By the way, this whole account is a joke but...

as long as you don’t vandalize the map or you don’t copy map data from copyrighted sources (such as google maps), nothing will happen


Thank you for your work! You are helping suffering families in South Africa, just by sitting!

Magog (Quebec, Canada) - Mapping urban area

Thank you for your hard work!



good maps bro

Alright, thanks!

I will only add a road or a place if I have been there.

good maps bro

ok can you remove my block