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werner2101's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by werner2101

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OpenStreetBugs Phase out: Done

@Stereo: Most of the bugs have been closed/fixed manually on a one by one-Review. I’ve only done about on third. Many volunteers helped fixing all the open bugs.

Only bugs that have been added automatically (e.g. 30-Zones in Belgium, I think) have been closed without a further review.

The only thing we could reuse for Notes is the tooling to jump from bug to bug. But I think the TODO-Plugin in JOSM can help here (haven’t tried it yet).

@emka: I’d like to thank you very much for developing, maintaining and running the OpenStreetBugs service over the last 6 years. Many of the ideas are now implemented in the Notes feature. Thank You.

Ein Loblied auf FIXME

Jedes der System hat seine Berechtigung … und jede Methode sollte mit Verstand benutzt werden.

Tags wie:

  • FIXME=name fehlt
  • FIXME=maxspeed fehlt

sind einfach nur überflüssig …. unabhängig davon ob die Information in OSB, Notes oder als FIXMEs eingegeben wird.

Ich verwende FIXMEs meistens für:

  • FIXME=continue : auf dem letzten Node. Im Wald findet man die dann als Mapper leichter wieder und man sieht ob der Weg einfach endet oder noch unvollständig ist.
  • FIXME=check XYZ: bei zweifelhaften Angaben.
OpenStreetBugs Phase out ... update

@smsm1: I’ve created some stats by country e.g.n germany

@LivingWithDragons: I usually fixed an area with 75 Bugs. The size of the are is mostly defined by bug density in the areas.


Im Moment gibt es noch keine Richtlinien, wofür Notes verwendet werden soll.

Den Anwendern (den nicht mappern) kann man nicht “vorschreiben” oder empfehlen, welche Notes-Infos angelegt werden.

Für die Mapper wären solche Richtlinien sinnvoll. z.B.

  • keine Notes die mit automatischen Tools gefunden werden (keepright, OSM-Inspector, …)
  • keine mapping Notizen, z.B. “1w e”, “g2 NO”, “24”, …
  • ….

Ich wäre auch dafür, dass die o.g. Geometriefehler nur in Ausnahmefällen erfasst werden. z.B. wenn ein Mapper nicht genügend Erfahrung hat. “multipolygon mit 234 Elementen defekt, Expertenhilfe erforderlich”

Auf der Diskussionsseite von Notes ist die Problematik erfasst [1] ff. Mit denselben “automatisch detektierbaren Fehlern” schlagen wir uns gerade beim Aufräumen von Openstreetbugs herum. [2]

[1] [2]

Transition from OpenStreetBugs to OSM Notes


I can’t see that switching from OSB to Notes is hard at all. Little rewriting of the get bugs call (maybe the code from can help here or the code from )

… and a few line changes for the other api command (create, comment, close)

Either you have to do some work or has to.

OpenStreetBugs Phase out ... progress

@stephan75: I think the phase out should be done step by step.

Disabling the API will affect all programs, apps and websites that use the OSB API. If they’re not well designed, disabling the api might crash that tools.

Here’s a list of tools that still uses OSB API:

Transition from OpenStreetBugs to OSM Notes

I think we should fix or close as many bugs as we can first. (maybe till end of 2013)

Moving bugs to Notes should be done with references.

Using a tool simplifies the transition. Just wait another week. I’ll test my tool in Africa, Alaska, … where only few bugs exists.

To mappers: just fix and close as many OSB bugs as possible.

PS: one of the highest OSB density area is in Germany is Dortmund: lot of dupe and old entries.

Transition from OpenStreetBugs to OSM Notes

@ !i!

I don’t know if the list of apps is complete. I’ll watch the newly incoming OSB bugs in the database and try to guess which app created it.

Mostly OSMand I, guess.

I’ll contact known Apps maintainer either with mail or feature requests in their ticket systems (github, ….).

I’ve seen some of generated bugs now, too. I’ve started a list on this wiki page:

Transition from OpenStreetBugs to OSM Notes


  • I wouldn’t manually create notes based on osb
  • I can provide a helper tool to review osb bugs, but it would be cool if as many bugs as possible get fixed or closed before moving them to OSM Notes.

Workflow of the tool:

  • The programm loads bugs from osb (the area might be one of the rectangles from the picture)
  • prev/next buttons call the josm remote control (load and zoom to the bug-area)
  • Fix Bugs in JOSM using OSB Plugin
  • If local knowledge required move Bug to OSM Notes

I haven’t implemented the last feature yet. The programm looks very ugly. I’ll post a screenshot in a few days.




  • I’m not the maintainer of osb (emka is)
  • from the forum: forwarding bugs added to osb to osn created by apps was an idea of emka, too. But maybe the Apps maintainer can just replace osb with osn.
  • do you know any pattern of mass added OSB entries?
Flussgebiete Deutschlands: Karte aus OSM Daten

Schöne Karte. In Deutschland wird schon seit längerem an der Erfassung der Flüsse und an Fehlerkorrekturen gearbeitet. ( Viele Lücken (zumindest bei Flüssen) wurden so in den letzten beiden Jahren geschlossen.

s. auch meine Auswertungen (