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Stormy Monday

Posted by Zartbitter on 28 October 2013 in English.

stormy monday

Had blackout for some time, streets and motorways are blocked everywhere around by trees or HGV turned over by gusts of wind, all trains and all ferries are stopped, a few people where injured, fortunately none died in our area (Edit: Sadly one man died in a town nearby - he was struck by a tree). Three trees in our backyard are overturned, the roof of our house and the rain pipes are damaged by flying parts but I saved the beehives just in time. The next days I’ll be busy with chain saw, axe and other tools.

That’s what I call a stormy monday!

OpenWheatherMap-Library for your Leaflet map: leaflet-openweathermap, (example map using this library


Comment from Wynndale on 28 October 2013 at 19:44

Great picture, could be a featured image.

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