
Britzz's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Britzz

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Tagging methods when the entire area is a crosswalk(영역 전체가 건널목인 경우)

There is a traffic_calming=table on your photography too, no ? Another solution : area:highway=footway & footway=crossing, i think it’s more precise

Quelques styles de contributions sur le terrain

Merci pour ce panel d’outils. J’ajouterais, pour ma part,, éditeur de POIs très facile d’utilisation

The beginning of my Local Mapper Journey.

Thank you for the share of your first steps in OSM.

“I spent ages trying to find street light which ended up being street lamp; electric pole was power pole; drinking fountain is an amenity called drinking water”… then think about non english-speaking persons ;-)

Adding the #newbie tag when making changes on OpenStreetMap + Tips for New Mappers?

“Be bold in what you add, and cautious in what you delete” : i like it and thanks @Jikka for this post

J'ai testé pour vous : la cartographie collaborative avec des élèves.

Bravo ! Parmi les apps pour smartphone, regarde OSM go ! (!) très facile à utiliser, très efficace pour les POIs