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OSM Analytic Tracker (OSMAT)

Posted by Cascafico on 18 September 2017 in Italian (Italiano). Last updated on 25 March 2019.


Tracking vandalisms is often not an easy task. To accomplish this activity I hardly find useful digging in the history of OSM changesets.

Instead OSMAT features a clean list of create/modifiy/deletes and tag changes; the latter one is particularly useful to track “advanced vandalism”.

OSMAT focuses on fast detection, so don’t expect to configure it on a national base, since rows will start to scroll too fast for spotting problems. For the same reason, OSMAT relies on minimal base of mappers and (quoting its wiki) “Improve[s] team spirit of a regional OSM team/task-force”.

The following installation procedure has been brought live on a OrangePi PC single-board computer. Here you can find a regional live instance for Friuli Venezia Giulia Italy.

Docker installation

OSMAT deployment is Docker based, so refer to Davide’s Docker installation
UPDATE: as from 2019-03-20 installation command quoted at the above link doesn’t work anymore for my debian jessie armhf. Please, use the following:
$ sudo curl -sSL | sh

OSMAT download

Then download OSMAT sources:
$ git clone

Check docker service

$ sudo service docker status
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-09-16 11:40:37 CEST; 2 days ago

OSMAT configure

Once you got docker up and running (I had to upgrade linux kernel > 3.10 for my Jessie Orange Pi) and before compiling container, you have to configure active region.

Default available regions are the ones defined by Geofabrik. For instance, navigate to nord-est, take note of .poly link (nowadays is and edit configuration file:

$ cd osm-analytic-tracker
$ vi config.json
You’ll need to replace 3 occourences of default “denmark.poly” with your poly (for instance “nord-est.poly”, without any trailing URL).

Optionally, here you can also adjust:

  • map zoom level and time horizon, just search for “map_scale”: “6”
  • logging interval, search for “horizon_hours”: “48”

Compile container

Once you’re done with region & zoom configuration, set your device OS (mine is Armbian, which I’ve found Raspian compatible) commenting one of the following lines :
$ vi Dockerfile
#FROM debian:jessie
FROM resin/rpi-raspbian

then compile container:
$ sudo docker build -t osm-analytic-tracker .


Then choose which port to listen (mine is 8889) and run it!
$ docker run -d –restart=always –name=osmat-container -p 8889:80 osm-analytic-tracker

[optional] Customizing

If you need a particular Area Of Interest, I’ve found easier to add a line in default regions list:

  1. Build a polygon: use JOSM opendata plugin to easily build and save a .poly which will be your AOI.
  2. Publish myAOI.poly somewere in internet
  3. Edit docker/regions.txt adding (or replacing) geofabrik URI’s with your URI, for instance:
    $ cd docker
    $ vi regions.txt
  4. Stop, remove and re-run container:
    $ docker stop osmat-container
    $ docker rm osmat-container
    $ docker run -d –restart=always –name=osmat-container -p 8889:80 osm-analytic-tracker

Try it

Go to http:127:0.0.1:8889 and wait for some changeset :-)

If you don’t see any changeset, at least you should see the map centered in your AOI and read in the upper right corner “Lag” around 1-5 minutes. Just wait for the next OSM changeset.


Comment from Hjart on 20 September 2017 at 06:13

I have been watching the authors own instance at (which also acts as a running demo) covering the country Denmark almost daily for nearly 2 years now and have found it immensely usefull for keeping track of activity and spotting mistakes. Quite a few times I’ve been able to correct mistakes (mostly done by newbies) within as little as 5 minutes. Actual vandalism doesn’t happen very often, but of course I’ve been able to quickly discover and revert a few cases.

Comment from Geonick on 22 October 2017 at 21:13

Added this tool in the OSM Wiki page. Feel free to open an own wiki page there:

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