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Linhares's Diary

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Atualmente tenho me dedicado bastante a completar os córregos da região do Distrito Federal e entorno; mesclar divisas e rios; e adicionar nomes de serras (natural=ridge) utilizando a camada do IBGE.

Esses acidentes naturais completam o mapa em áreas com poucas estradas. Além do mais, o OSM já atingiu um nível bastante satisfatório com relação a sua cobertura de rodovias!

Abraços, Linhares


abrimos votação no fórum sobre uma proposta de modificar as cinco principais rodovias federais de primary para ‘trunk’.

Um resumo da motivação desta mudança pode ser vista [neste vídeo] ( Além disso, a nova classificação resolverá problemas de roteamento.


Abraços, Linhares

Points of Interest

Posted by Linhares on 26 August 2013 in English.

Yesterday I went to put some POIs on the map. It is amazing the number of shops you can find in a small commercial area. So that you have to focus on specific types. I usually take notes of these ones: pharmacy, supermarket, restaurant and bank. And also public buildings. In fact, I like much more to map buildings because you can draw them on the map :-)

The area I went yesterday is one of the many places forgotten by google maps. It gives me extra motivation to go there and map!

Location: Área central Vicente Pires, Vicente Pires, Região Geográfica Imediata do Distrito Federal, Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento do Distrito Federal e Entorno, Região Geográfica Intermediária do Distrito Federal, Federal District, Central-West Region, Brazil

Park mapping

Posted by Linhares on 28 June 2013 in English.

Today I grabbed my bike and went to map Parque Ezechias Heringer. I was motivated because this is a new place that doesn’t show in other sites ( cough Google cough).

I was lucky to find a dirt track alongside the metro line that I was curious if it existed. It does. And the pavement is not that bad. But there is a creek halfway that you have to cross by foot. MapMyTracks log here.

Abraços, Linhares

Location: -15.833, -47.969