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Tordanik's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Tordanik

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That’s not an enviable situation you are in. It’s always annoying when we have to fix mistakes of new contributors instead of spending the time on mapping.

There’s one thing I wonder about, though: If there are only 2 active mappers in that metropolitan area, where does all the data come from? Have there been other contributors in the past that are no longer active? From your post, it sounds as if you are maintaining much more data per user than mappers in my area are.

Fixing common & possible Tagging Mistakes

Popular validation tools such as the JOSM validator or Keepright are grouped by location (i.e. presented on maps), which allows me to look for errors in my local area and check them one by one.

Compared to this, I feel the solution of adding a lot of Taginfo/Overpass links across the wiki isn’t really useful because I would have to open each link individually, just to learn whether there is any instance in my area (with only about 100 instances globally, probably not). These entries in the wiki can only effectively be used for mass edits, which we don’t want.

So I would prefer if you didn’t add your findings as (likely never-ending) tasks to the wiki, but instead contacted the people behind existing quality assurance tools.


Oh je, das sind keine schönen Erfahrungen. Wenn man etwas umbaut, dann sollte man auch darauf achten, dass nichts kaputt geht.

Bei den maxspeeds am Node habe ich allerdings eine Vermutung, was im Kopf des Users vorgegangen ist: Die meisten Fälle, wo maxspeed an Nodes hängt, entstehen nämlich, weil jemand beim Hinzufügen der Tags zu einem Way versehentlich die Nodes mit ausgewählt hatte. Womöglich ist dem User gar nicht eingefallen, dass damit Verkehrszeichen gemeint sein könnten.

Daher habe ich einen Tipp: Schau dir mal den Schlüssel an. Wenn du z.B. noch traffic_sign=maxspeed an deine Verkehrszeichen-Nodes setzt, dann sind deine Verkehrszeichen hoffentlich idiotensicher. Und du machst es gleichzeitig eventuellen Auswertern leichter.

My one problem with OpenStreetMap

There’s also the issue of getting the millions of $€£ per year that are required to serve a big customer base. Maybe donations or something would work, but we don’t really know that.

CAPTCHA problems in the Wiki

If anyone wants to check, the whitelist is here:

Connecting Communities With Improved OpenStreetMap Credits on Mapbox Maps

Much better. Thanks!

DuckDuckGo Places now uses OpenStreetMap!

I also think this style of attribution goes too far. I’m fine with clicking for attribution, but giving special treatment to your own logo in that manner is just not ok.

However, It’s great news that DuckDuckGo uses OSM!


Du hast die 3704346 mittlerweile ja gelöscht, aber ein klarer Fehler war, dass du die runde Wasserfläche mit der Rolle “outer” eingebunden hattest, obwohl es sich nicht um eine äußere Umrandung handelt. Richtig wäre hier “inner”.

Hey guys.

Mapping these footpaths separately from the street could be a problem for routing applications. There is a bit of a controversy about whether they should be mapped as a separate way or simply as a sidewalk=left/right/both tag on the road, which I don’t want to talk about here too much. However, if you are going to map these separately, you need to connect them to the road (with a shared node) everywhere where one might want to cross the road, and at every driveway etc. crossing the footway.

Other than that, I didn’t spot any obvious errors. Mapping fences before buildings is an unusual decision, but setting those priorities is up to you, of course.

OpenStreetMap Isn't All That Open, Let's Change That and Drop Share-Alike

Even though I don’t agree with every single argument made in the diary entry, I would appreciate if OSM adopted a different license along the lines of the CC-BY or even CC0 (although the latter is probably not realistic).

It may not be obvious to everyone, but as soon as you try to build something with OSM beyond mainstream use cases like 2D rendering, the ODbL frequently becomes a highly annoying obstacle. I was under the impression that OSM was supposed to enable a broad range of commonplace and creative uses, but the current license hampers that mission.

Money for OSM

Thanks for your effort maintaining this source of money for OSM, Malenki! I try to use the affiliate ids whenever possible.

Zuviel des Guten

Ich finde Detailverliebtheit nicht einmal das Problem in diesem Fall - wenn dadurch wirklich nutzbare Daten hinzukämen, könnte man gerne Gehsteige separat mappen. Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass die Frage der praktischen Nutzbarkeit komplett ignoriert wird und daher sogar Funktionalität verloren geht!

Konkret: Wie soll der Router bei getrennt gemappten Gehsteigen noch wissen, dass ich eine verkehrsarme Straße an jedem Punkt überqueren kann? Wie soll er noch “folgen sie der X-Straße auf der rechten Seite” ansagen können? Wie soll ich im Renderer - 2D oder 3D - lückenlos an die Straße anschließende Gehsteige als solche darstellen können?

Mit sidewalk-Tags ist alles oben genannte möglich, mit separaten Ways nicht. Wo ist da die Verbesserung?

iD Newbie friendly feature request

Perhaps there should be some kind of integration with GeoChat for JOSM, too?

Openstreetmap und Wikidata

Sehr schönes Beispielprojekt, zeigt gut die Möglichkeiten, die in Wikidata stecken! Seit ich Wikidata entdeckt habe, bin ich absolut überzeugt, dass sich da Synergien zu OSM ergeben müssen.

Anders als du würde ich mir allerdings schon wünschen, dass wir doppelte Arbeit weitgehend vermeiden, eine Ähnlichkeit mit Wikipedia-Relevanzdiskussionen sehe ich beim Wunsch nach Koordination zwischen zwei freien Projekten auch nicht gegeben. Meiner Meinung nach ist OSM von der Software und Kultur her am besten für Recherche vor Ort geeignet – und natürlich generell für geografische Daten. Wikidata wäre eher für Dinge, die man über Quellen- und Literaturrecherche findet. Nach dieser persönlichen Abgrenzung sehe ich dann auch population (inklusive historische Bevölkerungszahlen etc.) eher als Aufgabe für Wikidata.

Trotzdem hast du natürlich recht, dass man Zugeständnisse für technische Anforderungen machen muss.

OpenStreetMap - Increasing diversity

I would like the OSM community to become more diverse, but I would not like the foundation to choose goals – no matter how noble – and impose them onto the community. The current activities of the Wikimedia foundation are actually a rather negative example in my opinion, because they appear to be done mostly in a top-down fashion, the exact opposite of how a community-driven project with minimal formal organisation should work. Your ideas feel similar to me, so I’d rather not see them implemented, sorry.

“Anyway, as you say it’s a do-cracy. And I have mapping parties to organise…”

That’s the spirit! :-)

Attribution and all that (a rant)

Well, if we dropped the various restrictions regarding the precise appearance of the attribution, we could magically turn a lot of incorrect attribution into correct attribution overnight. I feel it is generally irrelevant whether the attribution says anything about “OpenStreetMap Contributors” or just “OpenStreetMap”, whether it includes the © sign, and whether it is in a corner of the map, on the bottom of the page or behind a link. The proper attribution for OSM looks exactly like the usual legalese you see on the internet all the time, so users will habitually ignore it anyway.

What brings in new mappers is when an application is nice enough to dedicate a popup or two to alerting its users to OSM, or when the developers blog about it, or when users recommend the great OSM map files to each other, or if the application is popular enough to get us press coverage. Attribution helps very little with all that, except for one thing: It serves as an easy proof that this cool application is made with OSM data, which can be helpful for our own PR and recruiting efforts. But having an “OpenStreetMap” anywhere that we can point to is enough for that purpose.

tl;dr: Let’s focus on those who do not provide attribution at all, and relax about the details.

What to do to avoid such fake accounts

As a first step to combat the spam it would be helpful to introduce a way for users to easily “flag”/”report” spammy user pages and comments so that they can effectively be dealt with. Such a functionality is built into the forum software, but elsewhere it’s always quite cumbersome to actually bring it to someone’s attention when I see spam.

What does the path say?

@Diomas: No, highway=path has nothing to do with “informal” paths - use informal=yes for that. The “path” value can be used for for basically all sub-car highways. Based on the original definition of higway=path, you could technically replace all highway=footway/cycleway/bridleway with highway=path (although the article explains why this might not be a good idea).

Just seen an excellent real-time 3D map of Openstreetmap, the F4 map.

There’s a few more example areas of varying quality listed here:

OSM in 3D

In my biased opinion, OSM2World deserves at least a mention, too. ;)


No WebGL interactivity and animations (yet), but textures, building levels and a few other features.