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Public GPS Traces from Tygunn

by Tygunn in South Pointe, Waverley West

New roads in South Pointe.

by Tygunn in whiteshell, mb, camping

whiteshell provincial park

by Tygunn in Waverley, GPSMap 60csx

New segment of Waverley Street.

by Tygunn in GPSMap 60cxs, bike, Waverley West, University of Manitoba

Bike ride through new roads in Waverley West, and through U of M to get some of the paths there.

by Tygunn in Waverley West, GPSMap 60csx, trails, bike

Waverley West, GPSMap 60csx, trails, bike

by Tygunn in Winnipeg, Richmond West, Fort Richmond, GPSMap 60csx

Winnipeg, Richmond West, Fort Richmond

by Tygunn in Richmond West, Winnipeg, GPSMap 60CSV, 3m accuracy

Morning ride through Richmond West

by Tygunn in GPSMap 60CSX, park, pond, bike, Richmond West

Morning ride around Richmond west to park out park and retention pond.

by Tygunn in Raphael Street, Winnipeg

Missing part of Raphael Street,Winnipeg

by Tygunn in Bairdmore Park, Winnipeg, Richmond West, Cycling

Cycling through Bairdmore park

by Tygunn in Waverley West, Bike Path, Winnipeg, New Streets

Waverley West new streets and bike paths.

by Tygunn


by Tygunn in Pond, Waverley Business Park

Ponds in the Waverley business Park

by Tygunn


by Tygunn in Winnipeg, Sterling Lyon, Paget

Mapping out links on Sterling Lyon and Paget. Also got a new condo development access road.

by Tygunn in U of M, Bishop Grandin, Kenaston, Fort Richmond

U of M, Bishop Grandin, Kenaston, Fort Richmond

by Tygunn in Drive, to, Marion

Drive to Marion

by Tygunn in Etherlbert, Daupihin, Neepawa


by Tygunn in Riding Mountain, Etherlbert, Brandon, 16, Trans Canada

Drive from Winnipeg to Brandon to Dauphin, to Ethelbert.

by Tygunn in Sterling Lyon, Tuxedo Business

Sterling Lyon,Tuxedo Business