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0 hours
Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello Friendly_Ghost,

once again you’ve made a wide-ranging “correction” following the “documentation” in an area where you have no knowledge: OSM is not helped by Europeans deleting tags they find wrong somewhere in Indonesia. Please don’t make these types of edits. Go out and record some great detailed POI information in an area where you actually have first-hand knowledge, or trace some data from aerial imagery if you must, but this world-wide tag fiddling doesn’t help.

In I said that I’ll double your block time for every further un-discussed mechanical edit. I won’t do anything this time because this might not have been a mechanical edit. I am however extending the original request to “tag fiddling by applying what you think is right according to the documentation without knowing anything about the local area or why the tags you are editing were introduced”.

Thank you
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group