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Comes to an end...

Posted by Skippern on 5 July 2012 in English.

My work period comes to an end, that means no more edit frenzies for some weeks as I have to spend time with my family.

For people reading here, and as a reminder for me for August/September:

  1. License Change Status around Vitória, ES, Brazil - Need to look into replacing a few nodes and roads. Roughly 20 objects need to be created.

  2. License Change Status around Cachoeira de Itapemirim, ES, Brazil One object affected, only the addition of one node in a road, I think we can survive if that node is deleted.

  3. Loads of Bing! coverage. Only the western most part of the south of Espírito Santo that really is in lack of coverage, though there are some holes and gaps around. Quite some cloud cover a few places, but anyway, some is better than none.

  4. Continue aligning my collection of Brazilian Hydrographic Maps, and maybe prepare for starting to trace this data.

  5. For the last few days my work have been focused on new Bing coverage, even though I have the source file for the Brazilian 2010 Census address data still laying around. More fun in tracing new roads than looking through the census data for street names. Though I can always fall back to that from time to time. Would probably be easier if I could arrange a paint style displaying street name and house number in each point.

  6. My INT-1 project are slowly progressing.

Location: Barra Seca de Ponte Nova, Barra Seca, Jaguaré, Região Geográfica Imediata de São Mateus, Região Geográfica Intermediária de São Mateus, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil


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