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Status update

Posted by Skippern on 8 August 2012 in English.

Its getting towards the end of my “offline” period, where I focus my attention on familly, and less on OpenStreetMap. I have during these few weeks witnessed the redaction bot (not many changes in my area), as well as been able to add a few objects through Mapzen POI collector (from my cell phone) and OpenPOI (from my iPad). The objects added is in Macae, Rio de Janeiro and Guarapari.

I also got a chance to try out routing with OsmAnd, and start to get results. Pedestrian routing worked fine in Rio de Janeiro, except that it didn’t route me diagonally through squares, but along their edges. Don’t know if this is a tagging or routing issue.

I will also familiarize myself with the access to some ship yards and other maritime structures, I was at Camorim yard and base on Sunday and Monday, and will in a few hours go to UTC yard, which will be introduced to the map during the following weeks.

Note: every time I sleep at a new hotel, or ieat at a new restaurant I try to add it to the map, though some might slip. Sometimes I add hotels and restaurants close to where I am, such as when I ate at Makoto restaurant, close to Praç XV, Rio de Janeiro, I also added two other restaurants next to it.

Location: Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Região Geográfica Imediata do Rio de Janeiro, Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, Região Geográfica Intermediária do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Southeast Region, Brazil


Comment from LivingWithDragons on 9 August 2012 at 11:51

If the pedestrian area is tagged with area=yes, then I’d say it is a routing issue. Although I think it makes the routing a bit harder (there may still be obstacles to avoid or holes/buildings in the area), and so I don’t know any pedestrian routing that does this.

Comment from Skippern on 9 August 2012 at 12:50

During the next couple of weeks I will look into how the areas in question is tagged, and try to improve anything if for example area=yes is missing. There is quite some chance I will be able to repeate the same route, or other similar pedestrian routings in the same area, as I have regular visits to an office in that area and generally stay in hotels in the same area. Also in rush hours it is quicker, and easier to walk the rough kilometer between a hotel and the office than taking a taxi, observing the one way streets, turning restrictions, access restrictions, pedestrian roads, and traffic jams.

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