[WIP] Mapping the archeological site of Palenque
Posted by Tom Di Nunzio on 31 October 2023 in English.Personal notes about potential mapping of the Palenque archeological site from archeological GIS data.
Edwin L. Barnhart. 2001. The Palenque Mapping Project, 1998 - 2000 Final Report
- Permission to use the data, no licence specified -> get in touch with author
- What to map in OSM? Only visitable areas? Major buildings (ie. Templo Escondido)? Waterways? All site (lots of buildings, does it belong to OSM)? A staged approach is necessary
- Is there any local community / interest groups to get in touch with?
- The data looks like it’s of good quality but dates from 2001. Any updated dataset?
- 3D mapping of certain buildings?
- Source for naming? Limited on-the-ground names, multiple naming schemes (the source paper claims to be overcoming this in a sensible way, is it still up to date, accepted by the archeology community?) English translation for certain objects
- Any prior work in OSM for this site or similar archeological site?
- Data in DWF format, how to import in JOSM
- Review OSM data import guidelines
- Add onsite map pictures (seems to be from the same data source)