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What's the problem here with Osmarender colors?

I have added some paths and now Osmarender renders area with strange colors between the ends of the paths. The area should be (is) forest but still between the endpoints of the paths and around the area is rendered light blue.

Location: Hönttämäki, Heikinharju, Oulu, Oulu sub-region, North Ostrobothnia, Regional State Administrative Agency for Northern Finland, Mainland Finland, 90630, Finland


Comment from SK53 on 26 May 2009 at 18:54

You have a tag sport=skiing. Osmarender treats all sports tags as areas not ways. You get the same thing with cliffs with sport=climbing. A bug I suppose, but probably not likely to be changed soon.

Comment from oh8mxl on 28 May 2009 at 16:59

Thanks for SK53 for the comment. As for the fix I removed the sport=skiing tag since I have also used the new ski:nordic=designaged tag. By the way, nordic skiing also includes ski jumping, not only cross country. But on cross country tracks it's quite hard to ski jump, I think..

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